Passengers terminal: elements and types.

In this first post about terminals for passengers we will talk about the basic elements of this terminal and the main important types of passengers terminals

Terminal elements

  • Area of ​​operation. In the dock next to the ship, to serve passenger shipments, and vehicles where appropriate, in addition to the provisioning and provisioning the ship. In it are located, where appropriate, the boarding hall and distributor, as shown in the sketch; (including gateways) complex elements whose accident has required some normalization (BS, for example), and whose design influences noticeable in the esthetic values ​​of the terminal it is.
  • Sea port. Building concentrating the passage for loading or unloading, and other related operations passage or these services.
  • It is necessary to have an area to attend to passengers and passenger, or staff working at the maritime station.
  • Area for ro. If we have a joint terminal. The organization of this is in accordance to what is said on the subject of «ro-ro terminals» with. Emphasize the desirability of separating the parking lot for cargo earlier this precise area.

Captura de pantalla 2015-09-30 a las 12.32.08

Two major types of maritime station:

  • Ferry Terminals

Aimed at:

 Passengers (possibly carrying his luggage, which does not generate attention)

 Vehicle passengers themselves,

 Ro merchandise.

  • Terminals cruises, whose passengers often travel in much greater numbers, with lots of luggage, and require higher levels of quality of care in the previous case. Can be:

Basis port: which starts / ends the contracted journey, problematic through the baggage handling and          controls to be performed.

Port of call: intermediate crossing points with short durations of the scale, do not move with much less baggage and less control of people and goods.

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